First Light Adventures offer trail races, training courses, guided runs and walks and wild camping in the Peak District, Derbyshire.

Guided Runs

Embracing physical activity in the fresh air is right up there for improving physical and mental health. Our guided runs and walks offer so much more than just exercise.

Guided runs are not races – you’ll not see start banners/race numbers or any of the usual race paraphernalia. Our guided rooms are friendly and flexible. We operate on a low-key basis – participant numbers are such that we have a good ratio of runners to guides.

The routes themselves are chosen for their scenery yet at the same time they are accessible to anyone who can manage a 10km road run. There will be a few technical sections en route in keeping with the environment through which we travel. But generally speaking, is straightforward routes with great views and a great time to be had by all as we trot along at a sociable pace. The pace is dictated by the pace of the slowest people in the group. If you constantly want to run fast then these guided runs are probably not for you. However, there's nothing to stop you from putting in an extra little burst and returning back to the group to get your training fix. Also if the guide/runner ratio allows we can also have a slightly faster group running ahead. These runs are aimed at anyone who is wanting to enjoy some great scenery without fear of getting lost.

The first question people ask is “Will I be fast enough?” Our guided runs are not flat-out fell running but much more sociable “speed sightseeing” if you will. I lead them at a pace to suit the group, if someone has the energy to burn they can do an extra hill repeat! Pace expectations will vary depending on the terrain and the weather conditions/conditions underfoot. Typically we will jog/run the flats/downhills and walk (briskly) up the climbs. The route choice may also be influenced by the weather – do we go clockwise or anticlockwise? Photo opportunities abound on these circuits, there are special places and special views. It would be churlish to run straight past without a quick stop, chat about it and take photographs. Again if you wish to keep running you can do an extra hill repeat.

Longer Runs

Edale Skyline

It’s a classic, and it happens to be one of my favourite Peak District challenges. This open, airy route allows you to tackle summits, edges and ridges as you traverse the skyline around the beautiful Vale of Edale. A challenging route of just over 20 miles with a series of climbs totalling 1,400m of ascent, it requires a decent level of fitness and sufficient endurance for 6 – 7 hours on foot.

Famous highlights of this route include Win Hill, the southern edges, tors and towers of Kinder, Rushup Edge leading on to the Great Ridge, Mam Tor and its Iron Age earthworks, before finally tackling Back Tor and Lose Hill prior to our last gentle descent into Hope.

The next Edale Skyline guided run is on 28th July 2024.

The next Heart of Darkness (Edale Skyline) is on 1st December 2024. This guided run allows you to tackle the Dark Peak in the darkest month. 

28 Jul 2024

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1 Dec 2024

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Shorter Runs

The Edgy Trail Run (South)

The Edgy Trail Run (South) is set in the countryside that offers very rewarding views from Curbar, Frogatt, and White Edges (hence the Edgy title). Don’t be alarmed, it is runnable. The climbs and descents are modest and the obstacles are few. The biggest factor will always be the weather as you move from the woodland to the higher ground. There'll be some superb views overlooking the Derwent Valley and as far as Trent Vale. This will be a sociable run with an emphasis on soaking up the views at a relaxed pace.

17 May 2024

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The Edgy Trail Run (North)

The Edgy Trail Run (North) is the gnarlier brother of the Edgy runs. This guided run over the undulating edges, and moorlands of the Peak District. There'll be some superb views from the high ground of Higger Tor and the iron age walls of Carl Wark before heading out in the direction of Millstone Edge. This will be a sociable run with an emphasis on soaking up the views at a relaxed pace and moving safely through the rocky sections.

Current Dates Available:

Baslow Trail Run

This guided trail run is a winner at any time of the year. It passes through the impressive Chatsworth parkland, before climbing up and along the edges and monuments of the Eastern Peaks. There'll be captivating views along this route which follows ancient footpaths, tracks, and moorland. More than just a guided trail run, consider this one a gateway to a more adventurous future in your running journey, and a chance to connect with some truly inspiring natural environments.

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Is it for me?

The guided runs are delivered in a way that focuses on giving participants an enjoyable experience at a sociable pace. Many participants are at the start of their trail running journey and they appreciate the comfort in undertaking an adventurous run with experienced/helpful guides. Typical group sizes range from 10 to 20 people with a guide at the front and rear of the groups to ensure the group stays together. Occasionally if there is a marked difference in pace we will split into 2 groups thus allowing people to feel even more comfortable about their pace. Each run will offer tips and techniques, from navigating your way to remaining sure-footed and confident on ever-changing surfaces. Your running adventures await.

All routes are fully risk assessed and the leaders carry first aid kits (and group shelters on the more remote runs). If people want to inject more pace into their guided run, they are welcome to do additional out and backs or the odd hill repeat but, unless the group pace dictates it, all guided runs are done at a sociable pace and there will be the odd photo stop, so please bear this in mind.

First Light Adventures offer trail races, training courses, guided runs and walks and wild camping in the Peak District, Derbyshire.

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Get In Touch 488737
The Bothie, Sutton Scarsdale, Chesterfield